odp interregional Events

Eleven EPA ODP Players Selected for USYS National Training Camp
US Youth Soccer held their annual ODP Interregional Events in Boca Raton, Florida (Girls) and Bradenton, Florida (Boys) last month. 16 girls and 11 boys from the Eastern Pennsylvania Olympic Development Program were selected to attend and represent the East Region. While there, players participated in training sessions and played in matches against the other ODP Regions from across the country.
Upon completion of these highly competitive events, 6 out of our 16 girls and 5 out of 11 boys were selected for the US Youth Soccer National Training Camps. These camps will be held from January 23rd through 28th in Tampa, Florida. National Camps and Interregional events are held throughout the year at various locations in the United States. The National Team Coach or a National Staff Coach is present at these events to observe, train, and identify players for placement in the US Soccer National Pool or on US Soccer National Team.
Congratulations to:
2006: Haley Lewinski (FC Delco)
2005: Olivia Grenda (FC Bucks)
2004: Cadence Hoke (FC Delco) & Maya McDermott (FC Bucks)
2002/03: Julia Raich (HMMS) & Janae Stewart (FCUSA Philadelphia)
2006: Ryan Zellefrow (FC Europa)
2005: Tyler Weiss (PA Dominion FC)
2002/03: Shane Brown (WSV Elite), Nicolo Krueger (WSV Elite) & Connor Swope (HMMS)
Click the buttons below for the video recaps of both the boys and girls Interregional Events!
boys girls